Espaço de debate de temas de Economia Portuguesa e de outros que com esta se relacionam, numa perspectiva de desenvolvimento

quarta-feira, maio 28, 2014

Convite | The Retail International Conference

«The Retail International Conference | The future of retailing from challenges to global opportunities
The Retail International Conference é um acontecimento ímpar de convergência académica e de mobilização de profissionais

A Escola de Economia e Gestão (EEG) da UMinho, em parceria com a Associação Comercial de Braga (ACB), realiza nos dias 19 e 20 de setembro de 2014 no Hotel Meliã, em Braga, The Retail International Conference, subordinada ao tema “The future of retailing: from challenges to global opportunities”, que contará com intervenções de Cathy Parker (MMU Business School) e Erik Braun (Erasmus University Rotterdam – School of Economics).
O Evento pretende dar especial destaque aos principais desafios que o comércio enfrenta, bem como ao papel deste setor na agenda do crescimento económico e social sustentado em Portugal e na Europa. De forma a tornar este evento um momento de interesse tão abrangente quanto possível, orienta-se a componente temática no contexto da forte reestruturação económica em curso em Portugal e na Europa, considerando a crescente necessidade de adaptação dos agentes económicos, especialmente no que respeita ao recurso a Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação, Inovação e Modernização e Tendências de Consumo.
Convidamos os investigadores, independentemente da sua afiliação institucional ou geográfica, a apresentarem os seus trabalhos teóricos e/ou práticos
Poderá obter mais informação sobre o evento em:
Informações adicionais:
Gabinete de Comunicação

Escola de Economia e Gestão

Universidade do Minho

Telefone: 253 604541


(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio eletrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)

sábado, maio 17, 2014

"4th International Conference on Tourism Research (4ICTR)"

«Dear Professors, Associate Professors and Respected Academicians,

I would like to refer to the above-mentioned matter, regarding 4ICTR, which will be organized on 9 - 11 December 2014 in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Although the deadline of abstract submission has ended, we will still accept any abstracts for poster and oral presentations within this two weeks. Otherwise, you may directly submit the full paper before or on 1 August 2014.

For your information, we have received quite a number of abstracts to be considered especially from United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, France, Taiwan and even Canada. In fact, abstracts from other developing countries like Thailand, Hungary, Slovenia, Mexico, Nigeria, hilippines and Indonesia were also available. Hence, we presume that this conference will be a good platform for you to enhance your knowledge on tourism and hospitality industries. I believe that you should grab this golden opportunity either by becoming the presenter or participant of the conference.

We seek your assistance to disseminate this latest information to your own network. To that extent, I'm enclosing herewith the brochure of the said conference.

Thank you in advance and sorry for any inconveniences caused.

Best wishes,

Dr. Azizan Marzuki
Sustainable Tourism Research Cluster, Universiti Sains Malaysia

| 4th International Conference on Tourism Research (4ICTR) in conjunction
with International Mountain Day | Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysian-Borneo |
9-11 December 2014 |»

(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio eletrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)

"STC’14 - 3rd Call for Papers (Extended deadline: 15 June 2014)"

«Dear colleagues and friends,

Bellow you can find the information regarding the 3rd call for papers for the Sport Tourism Conference (STC'14), that will be held in Coimbra, Portugal, between 10-12th December 2014.  Please note that the deadline for abstract submission was extended until 15th June 2014.
Please share this information with your contacts.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Best regards,
Ricardo Melo
Coordinator of the STC'14

STC'14 (Sport Tourism Conference 2014) - Sport Tourism: New Challenges in a Globalized World - ( has an open call for papers, with deadline extended by June 15, 2014.
STC'14 will be held in Coimbra, Portugal, from 10th-12th December 2014, at Coimbra College of Education.

We hope that you can participate in this congress by submitting a paper reflecting your current research in one of the following areas:
- Sport Tourism Policies and Development
- Sport Tourism Environmental, Economic and Social Impacts
- Sport Tourism, Innovation and Competitiveness
- Sport Tourism Supply and Demand Issues
- Sport Tourism Events
- Sport Tourism History
- Sport Tourism Management
- Sport Tourism and New Consumption Spaces
- New Trends in Sport Tourism

All the papers accepted and presented at STC'14 will be published in the conference proceedings e-book (with ISBN: 978-989-98016-4-6), and in the abstracts book (ISBN: 978-989-98016-3-9). Moreover, we are planning to publish suitable papers in different formats, such as in a book of international publishers, and a special edition in one international journal, with reference for the presented topics.

 Please also note the following deadlines:
- Submission of proposals (maximum of 500 words): by 15 June 2014.
- Notification of accepted proposals: by 15 July 2014.
- Regular registration: by 20th July 2014.
- Submission of final paper (maximum 15 pages): until 15 September 2014.
- Late registration: by 15th September 2014.
- Scientific committee comments: will be sent to the authors until 15th October 2014.
- Revised versions: will be submitted no later than 30th October 2014.
- Sport Tourism Conference: 10th-12th December 2014

Please check the STC’14 website for further information:

If you have any question please don't hesitate contacting me:

Best regards,
Ricardo Melo
Coordinator of the STC'14»

(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio eletrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)

quarta-feira, maio 14, 2014

"I2FC 2014 Conference: Multiple Perspectives of the Shadow Economy"

«I2FC 2014 Conference: Multiple Perspectives of the Shadow Economy
FEP, Porto, Portugal, 22nd November 2014 

Second Interdisciplinary Insights on Fraud and Corruption (I2FC 2014) Conference: Multiple Perspectives of the Shadow Economy
*** Submission of the abstracts: 16th June 2014
The second Interdisciplinary Insights on Fraud and Corruption (I2FC 2014) conference aims to bring together researchers, academics and practitioners from different backgrounds to exchange and share their experiences, ideas, and research results about all aspects of the shadow economy, and discuss the challenges in this field and policies adopted. We invite the submission of theoretical, applied, or policy-oriented research papers that focus on any aspect of the shadow economy to our conference.
The conference topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
-           tax evasion
-           money laundering
-           informal labour market
-           theoretical and empirical models of underground economy
-           social cohesion, norms and ethics 
-           perceptions, and expectations in the shadow economy
-           corruption, fraud and organized crime
-           law, regulations and public policy
-           cybercrime
This conference is organized by OBEGEF (Observatory of Fraud in Economics and Management). It will be held in Porto, Portugal, Faculdade de Economia do Porto, November 22, 2014.
*Important dates*
Submission of the abstracts: 16th June 2014
Acceptance notification: 30th June 2014
Submission of the full papers: 20th October 2014
Presenters’ registration: October 21-31, 2014.
Other participants’ registration: July 1 and November 15, 2014
*Submission guidelines*
Submission instructions and other information are available at
All matters related to submissions and papers will be handled by the organizing team, (A/C: Aurora Teixeira).»

(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio eletrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)

domingo, maio 11, 2014

"TMS Algarve 2014: Management Studies International Conference"

«The University of the Algarve (ESGHT) is organizing the TMS Algarve 2014: Management Studies International Conference, which will be held in the Algarve, Portugal between 26-29 November 2014. The TMS Algarve yearly conferences started in 2011 and have become international references in the areas of Tourism and Management, attracting every year hundreds of researchers from around the world.

Our conferences combine high-level academic discussions with excellent publication opportunities in an ISI-indexed journal or in a book, good networking opportunities and an exciting cultural and social programme. According to a survey to the participants of the 2013 conference, 98,8% of them rated the overall conference organization as good or very good.

Conference themes:
• Tourism Management
• Hotel/Hospitality Management
• Strategic Management
• Information Technology Management
• Marketing
• Event Management
• Innovation
• Competitiveness
• Entrepreneurship
• Human Resource Management
• Financial Management
• Accounting/Taxation
• Management Education
• Health Management
• Heritage Management
• Other topics on Management
Deadline for submitting abstract or paper: May 31, 2014
For more information please visit the conference website:»
(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio eletrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)

sábado, maio 03, 2014

4ICTR: Deadline Extension for Abstract Submission (15 May 2014)

«Due to an overwhelming response for the upcoming 4ICTR which will be held from 9-11 December 2014 in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysian-Borneo, the Organizing Committee will be extending the deadline for abstract submission to 15 May 2014.

For your information, one of our Keynote Speakers is a representative from United Nations, Professor Dr. Shahbaz Khan, the Deputy Director of UNESCO Regional Bureau for Sciences in Asia and the Pacific.

In addition, the 4ICTR is an indexed conference. Apart from the conference proceedings, selected full papers and case studies will be submitted to Thomson Reuters and indexed in ISI. For other details of the 4ICTR, please
visit or you may refer the attached documents.

Note: If you face difficulties in submitting your abstracts through our online system, please email us your abstract according to the details required in the "Abstract Submission" page ( We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.

Thank you.

Dr. Azizan Marzuki
Sustainable Tourism Research Cluster, Universiti Sains Malaysia

| 4th International Conference on Tourism Research (4ICTR) in conjunction with International Mountain Day | Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysian-Borneo |
9-11 December 2014 |»

(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio eletrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)