Espaço de debate de temas de Economia Portuguesa e de outros que com esta se relacionam, numa perspectiva de desenvolvimento
sábado, dezembro 19, 2015
quinta-feira, novembro 12, 2015
"4th IBESRA Conference"
«4th IBESRA (International Business Economics Social Sciences Research Association) Conference in Istanbul Turkey, 27-28 February 2016
Conference Status:
Upcoming Conferences
Conference Schedule:
4th IBESRA Istanbul Conference deadlines were determined.
Abstract Submission Deadline: 31 January 2016.
Abstract Notifications: 5 February 2016.
Conference Registration: 8 February – 14 February 2016.
Full Paper Submission Deadline: 31 March 2016.
You are most welcome to IBESRA (International Business Economics Social Sciences Research Association). The 4th IBESRA Conference will be organized in Istanbul/Turkey. Conference days are 27 - 28 February 2016.
Conference venue will be in Istanbul Taksim Nippon Hotel. Accepted applicants are requested to book hotel rooms and apply visa at appropriate time.
The topics will be related to all areas of Business and Economics. Political Sciences and Law Researchers can apply for this conference as long as their research topics are related with Business and Economics. You can submit your abstract or full paper to
We would like to invite you to attend 4th IBESRA Conference in Istanbul, Turkey. Best papers will be sent to ISI citation indexed journals. The Proceedings (has an ISBN number) Book will be published electronically in our official website.
To find out more please visit or
Business Topics:
- Strategic Management
- Entrepreneurship
- Organizational Behaviour
- Human Resource Management
- Corporate Finance
- Islamic Finance
- Islamic Banking
- Conventional Banking
- Construction Finance
- Operations Management
- Business Simulation
- Quantitative Methods
- International Business
- International Trade
- Marketing
- Logistics
Economics Topics:
- Microeconomics
- Macroeconomics
- International Economics
- Labor Economics
- Economic Development
- Political Economy
- Economic History
- Econometrics
Political Science Topics:
- Political science studies which are having interdisciplinary approach with business and economics studies
Law Topics:
- Law topics which are having interdisciplinary approach with business and economics studies
To find out more please visit or »
(reprodução de mensagem, proveniente da entidade identificada, que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio eletrónico)
quarta-feira, outubro 14, 2015
Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurial Success and its Impact on Regional Development: no prelo
Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurial Success and its Impact on Regional Development (2 Volumes)
Luísa Carvalho (Ed.), IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania
Projected Release Date: December, 2015.
Luísa Carvalho (Ed.), IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania
Projected Release Date: December, 2015.
quarta-feira, setembro 16, 2015
Call for Abstracts: II International Conference Tourism & History, 10-11 March 2016
Estimados Investigadores,
É com prazer que vos convidamos a submeter resumo e a participar na II Conferência Internacional de Turismo & História, que se realizará na Universidade do Algarve, Faro, Portugal, no dia 10 de março, e em Caxias do Sul - Brasil, no 11 de março de 2016.
Esta conferência tem como objetivo proporcionar a oportunidade para apresentar, partilhar e refletir sobre a relação entre Turismo & História assente no uso turístico do património cultural (tangível e intangível) dos países pertencentes ao espaço ibero-americano, dando particular destaque ao património cultural classificado pela UNESCO como “Património Mundial”.
Informações sobre o tema da conferência, chamada de trabalhos, prazos, local, oradores convidados e outras informações disponíveis para consulta em: (informações em Português, Espanhol e Inglês)
Com os melhores cumprimentos,
A Comissão Organizadora
Universidade do Algarve, Faro, Portugal
10-11 de março
Dear Students, Researchers and Professors,
We are pleased to invite you to submit your abstract and participate in the II International Conference Tourism & History, that will be held in University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal, on the 10th and in Caxias do Sul – Brazil, on the 11th of March (Brazil), 2016.
This conference aims to provide the ideal opportunity to present, share and reflect on the relationship between Tourism & History based on cultural heritage tourism (tangible and intangible) of the countries belonging to the Iberoamerican region, with particular emphasis on cultural heritage classified by UNESCO as "World Heritage".
Information on the Conference Theme, Call for Abstracts, Deadlines, Venue, Keynote Speakers and other information can be found on the conference website: (info in Portuguese, Spanish and English)
Looking forward to receive your abstract for participation in TOURISM & HISTORY 2016 and to meet you in Faro next March.
Best regards,
The Organizing Commission
University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal
10-11 March»
(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio eletrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)
sábado, agosto 01, 2015
sexta-feira, julho 17, 2015
quarta-feira, julho 01, 2015
"Manifestação-Vigília de Solidariedade com a Grécia"
«Braga, 1 de Julho de
2015 às 21,30h na Praça da República
Os subscritores,
considerando que a posição da Troika (FMI-UE-BCE) nas negociações com a Grécia
não só visa a manutenção de rendas para o capital financeiro como configura uma
estratégia política de submissão da Grécia e doutros países periféricos da
Europa do Sul como Espanha e Portugal, apelam aos cidadãos e cidadãs bracarenses
e minhotos(as) para se manifestarem em solidariedade com o povo grego!
Neste momento
histórico podemos dizer que SOMOS TODOS GREGOS porque:
Queremos uma Europa
onde a DEMOCRACIA seja real e efetiva, onde os povos possam ser consultados em
questões decisivas para o presente e futuro e que a sua vontade seja
Queremos uma Europa
SOLIDÁRIA, em que os credores e seus interesses não se sobreponham à vontade
dos povos nem lhes imponham políticas de austeridade e empobrecimento.
Queremos uma Europa e
um mundo assentes na JUSTIÇA SOCIAL e no respeito pelos DIREITOS HUMANOS, o que
é incompatível com a continuação da austeridade e com a recusa da procura e
concretização de políticas alternativas.
Pela coragem e
dignidade do povo grego, por todos nós! É numa Europa construída pelos seus
povos que queremos viver!
Os subscritores(as)
Adão Mendes
Adelino Mota
Alexandra Vieira
Ana Arminda Machado
Ana Barros
Ana Gabriela Macedo
Ana Jorge
Ana Maria Álvares de
Anna Pires
António Cardoso
António Durães
António Lima
Arlindo Fagundes
Armindo Vieira Martins
Carla Cerqueira
Carlos Alegria
Carlos Amado
Dalila Monteiro
Diniz Pinto
Emília Monteiro
Etelvina Sá
Ernesto Figueiredo
Fátima Soeiro
Fernando Bessa
Fernando Coelho
Gabriela Silva
Helena Magalhães
Helena Maria Macedo
Henrique Barreto Nunes
Henrique Barroso
Henrique Botelho
Inês Barbosa
João Gomes
João Oliveira
João Manuel Clemente
José Aldeia
José Alfredo Ribeiro
José Luís Araújo
José Manuel Barbosa
José Manuel Lobato
José Manuel Marques
José Manuel Tarroso
José Sampaio
José Maria Cardoso
José Moças
Jorge Cruz
Júlia Vale
Luis Cunha
Manuel António Teixeira da Silva
Manuel Carlos Silva
Manuel Sarmento
Margarida Vilarinho
Maria Augusta Lima
Maria Augusta
Maria do Céu Barros
Mário Lima
Mário Marques
Miguel Coelho
Olga de Miranda
Paula Nogueira
Pedro Soares
Rita Ribeiro
Sofia Afonso
Teresa Mora
Virgínia Calado
Vladimiro Brito»
(reprodução de anexo de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio eletrónico, proveniente de Manuel Carlos Silva, e distribuída universalmente na rede eletrónica da UMinho)
Impacte da Integração na UE,
sexta-feira, junho 26, 2015
IV Congresso Internacional de Turismo da ESG/IPCA: apêlo a comunicações
4th CIT 2015
IV International Congress on Tourism
3rd-5th December, 2015
Guimarães, Portugal
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the fourth edition of the International Congress on Tourism (CIT 2015), organized by the Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave (IPCA) in cooperation with the Municipality of Guimarães and the Porto and North Tourism Entity (Guimarães delegation). The congress will be held on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th of December 2015 under the main theme "Tourism for the 21st Century".
CIT 2015 addresses several issues related to the future of tourism in the 21st century with a “back to basics” approach to new challenges and trends. Tourism can be the "fuel" for the economy, creating new societies and contributing to a new paradigm of a democratic system of governance. In addition to its importance to the global economy and job creation, tourism can contribute to peace and intercultural communication. This “happiness industry” can contribute to the trade balance as well as environmental and socio-economic sustainability.
This forum involves the core trilateral for planning and development success in the industry, including researchers, business community, policy makers and engineers who, directly and indirectly, influence the future of this sector.
Typology of papers
Paper submission is open to the academic and business communities with relevant research in tourism. Considering that the congress aims to foster shared discussion between academia and industry professionals, scientific and technical articles, posters, and case studies are welcome. The recommended topics (but not limited to) include:
1. Cultural Tourism and Heritage
2. Economy and Tourism Management
3. Entrepreneurship in Tourism
4. Euro Cities and Tourism
5. Experiences of Tourism
6. Hotel Management
7. Green Cities and Tourism
8. Land and Tourism Development
9. Marketing and Consumer Behavior in Tourism
10. Tourism in Criative and Smart Cities
11. Technology and Innovation in Tourism
12. Tourism and Food and Wine
13. Tourism, Mobility, and Transport
14. Tourism and sustainability
15. State and Public Policies in Tourism
16. Tourism and Leisure
17. Rural and Community-based Tourism
18. Social Management of Tourism
Typology of submissions
Authors are invited to submit an abstract of no more than 300 words, by no later than July 25. After evaluation, authors of accepted abstracts will prepare the full paper for submission until September 30. The acceptance of an abstract does not mean the acceptance of the full paper. Abstract submission is advisable but not mandatory.
Papers must be original and not under review for any other outlet. All submitted full papers will be subject to a double blind review by at least two members of the scientific committee.
Submissions should preferably be written in English, although Portuguese and Spanish can also be considered.
Submission process
To submit an abstract for the IV International Congress on Tourism IPCA, you must send the abstract file (Word format) to For further information, please consult
Publication opportunities
All papers will be subject to a double-blind review. Authors of the best selected papers will be invited to adapt the paper for publication in a special issue of the journals:
· Tékhne: Review of Applied Management Studies, in the first semester of 2016(
- ANAIS BRASILEIROS DE ESTUDOS TURÍSTICOS, in the first semester of 2016(
Important dates
Abstract submission deadline (300 words) | 25th of July 2015
Acceptance notification (abstract)| 31th of July 2015
Full paper submission deadline| 30th of September 2015
Acceptance notification (full paper) | 20th of October 2015
Registration and payment for authors| 10th of November 2015
Registration and payment for general public| 20th of November 2015
Congress | 3-5 of December 2015
The congress will take place in the city of Guimarães (UNESCO World Heritage Site), a city with tourism potential and heritage references at the regional, national, and international levels. The venue for this event is the Centro Cultural Vila Flor, in the Vila Flor Palace, an 18th century building and national cultural icon located in the historic center of Guimarães. The combination of the history and surroundings of the Centro Cultural Vila Flor, in addition to the magnificent gardens and wonderful architecture, and the social events offered in parallel to the congress, create a perfect setting for the debate on tourism and the paradigms for its future. The Vila Flor Palace is reflective of this city where culture is open to all audiences.
• School of Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave
• City Council of Guimarães
• Porto and North Tourism Entity (Guimarães delegation)
· Research Group on Management and Development of Creative Territories (Federal University of Viçosa - Brazil)
The Caixa Geral de Depósitos is the official sponsor of this International Congress on Tourism. "
(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio eletrónico, proveniente da entidade identificvada)
quarta-feira, junho 17, 2015
quinta-feira, junho 04, 2015
quinta-feira, maio 21, 2015
"It is about discipline"
Artigo World Economic Forum
What do successful students have in common?
Comportamento dos Agentes,
quinta-feira, abril 23, 2015
"I Chamada de Artigos - Revista História e Economia"
solicitamos sua ajuda na divulgação da chamada de artigos!
Conselho Editorial da Revista História e Economia
Conselho Editorial da Revista História e Economia
A Revista interdisciplinar História e Economia é uma publicação semestral impressa do Instituto de História e Economia. A proposta do Conselho, formado por professores da USP, UFF, Unicamp e outras importantes universidades, quando criou o Instituto, foi resgatar e incentivar uma parte da nossa pesquisa pouco privilegiada nos centros acadêmicos, como a História Comparativa, a História Econômica e a História Política. Receberemos artigos até o dia 31 de maio de 2015. Os artigos serão publicados no v. 14, 1 º semestre de 2015.
Os artigos devem ter no mínimo 20 páginas e ser enviados para o e-mail
A Revista dedica-se à publicação de trabalhos nas áreas de Economia, História Econômica, História Política e História da África. Publicamos somente textos originais, aceitando em casos especiais, a publicação simultânea em revista estrangeira. Recebemos artigos em português, inglês, espanhol ou francês.
Os artigos poderão ser referentes a quaisquer países ou regiões. Todos os artigos serão publicados no idioma em que foram escritos.
A Revista dedica-se à publicação de trabalhos nas áreas de Economia, História Econômica, História Política e História da África. Publicamos somente textos originais, aceitando em casos especiais, a publicação simultânea em revista estrangeira. Recebemos artigos em português, inglês, espanhol ou francês.
Os artigos poderão ser referentes a quaisquer países ou regiões. Todos os artigos serão publicados no idioma em que foram escritos.
Conselho Editorial da Revista História e Economia
Adalton Franciozo Diniz (Faculdade Cásper Líbero/PUC- SP)
André Villela (EPGE/FGV)
Antônio Penalves Rocha (USP)
Carlos Eduardo Carvalho (PUC/SP)
Carlos Gabriel Guimarães (UFF)
Felipe Pereira Loureiro (USP)
Flavio Saes (USP)
Gail Triner (Rutgers University)
Jaime Reis (ICS - Universidade de Lisboa)
John Schulz (BBS)
John K. Thornton (Boston University)
Jonathan B. Wight (University of Richmond)
José Luis Cardoso (ICS – Universidade de Lisboa)
Luiz Felipe de Alencastro (FGV/Sorbonne)
Marcos Cintra (Unicamp)
Pedro Carvalho de Mello (ESALQ)
Renato Leite Marcondes (USP/Ribeirão Preto)
Ricardo Feijó (USP/Ribeirão Preto)
Steven Topik (University of California Irvine)
Vitoria Saddi (INSPER)»
Adalton Franciozo Diniz (Faculdade Cásper Líbero/PUC- SP)
André Villela (EPGE/FGV)
Antônio Penalves Rocha (USP)
Carlos Eduardo Carvalho (PUC/SP)
Carlos Gabriel Guimarães (UFF)
Felipe Pereira Loureiro (USP)
Flavio Saes (USP)
Gail Triner (Rutgers University)
Jaime Reis (ICS - Universidade de Lisboa)
John Schulz (BBS)
John K. Thornton (Boston University)
Jonathan B. Wight (University of Richmond)
José Luis Cardoso (ICS – Universidade de Lisboa)
Luiz Felipe de Alencastro (FGV/Sorbonne)
Marcos Cintra (Unicamp)
Pedro Carvalho de Mello (ESALQ)
Renato Leite Marcondes (USP/Ribeirão Preto)
Ricardo Feijó (USP/Ribeirão Preto)
Steven Topik (University of California Irvine)
Vitoria Saddi (INSPER)»
(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio eletrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)
quarta-feira, fevereiro 04, 2015
"International Scientific Conference: 5th Practice and Research in Private and Public Sector"
«On behalf of Mykolas Romeris University researchers we would like to invite you to join us at the International Scientific Conference: 5th Practice and Research in Private and Public Sector, which will take place in Vilnius, Lithuania, Mykolas Romeris University, May 14-15, 2015.
PRPPS important dates:
March 1, 2015 – Primary registration to the conference via Conference Webpage
April 1, 2015 – Submission of the full article.
May 14 – 15, 2015 – PRPPS International Conference
Following the Conference, authors of the selected high quality papers will be invited to submit their papers for inclusion in international academic journals:
“Intellectual Economics” “Business Systems & Economics“
“Intellectual Economics” “Business Systems & Economics“
Please find a short summary about the conference included in the attachment. It would be greatly appreciated, if you could spread this letter to interested persons.
With warm greetings from Vilnius,
Ilona Bartuseviciene
Mykolas Romeris University
Faculty of Economics and Finance Managment
Senior manager
Ateities st. 20, room V-420
LT-08303 Vilnius, Lithuania
Phone: 011 370 5 271 4721
(reprodução parcial do corpo principal de mensagem entretanto recebida da entidade identificada)
quarta-feira, janeiro 28, 2015
REMINDER | Call for papers, 9th Meeting of the Portuguese Economics Journal, Azores, Portugal
«We invite researchers, irrespective of their institutional or geographical affiliation, to submit theoretical, applied or policy-oriented papers in any field of economics to our conference.
The conference will be held at the University of Azores, Campus of Angra do Heroísmo in Terceira Island, Portugal, on July 3-5, 2015.
To submit a paper, send an e-mail to attaching the paper in pdf format. The deadline is March 15, 2015.
*Submission guidelines*
Papers should be written in English. Please make sure you add an abstract (up to 600 words), keywords, and JEL classification codes to the title page.
*Plenary session*
The Keynote Lecture will be delivered by Sergio Rebelo (Northwestern University, USA)
*Important dates*
Paper submission: until March 15, 2015
Communication of decisions: April 15, 2015
Early registration: until May 31, 2015
Deadline for presenters' registration: May 31, 2015
Conference: July 3-5, 2015
Note: presenters should register by May 31 for their papers to be included in the final program.
Matters related to submissions and papers will be handled by the scientific committee
For other matters, please contact the local organizers
Scientific Committee:
Ana Rute Cardoso, Institute for Economic Analysis (CSIC), Spain (Chair) Enriqueta Aragones, Institute for Economic Analysis (CSIC), Spain Mónica Costa Dias, Institute for Fiscal Studies, UK Julian di Giovanni, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain Paulo Guimarães, Bank of Portugal, Portugal Matilde P. Machado, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain Nuno Martins, University of Azores, Portugal José Mata, Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal Sérgio Rebelo, Northwestern University, USA Ricardo Reis, Columbia University, USA Sofia B. Villas-Boas, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Local Organizers:
- Elisabete Martins, ACDA/APDR, Portugal
- Emiliana Silva, University of Azores, Portugal
- Susana Sardinha, CEEAplA, Portugal
- Tomaz Ponce Dentinho, ACDA/APDR/ University of Azores, Portugal
The conference is hosted by the Department of Agrarian Sciences of the University of Azores and organized by ACDA - Associação para a Ciências e Desenvolvimento dos Açores.
Journal website:
For further details, please check»
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Mensagens (Atom)