Espaço de debate de temas de Economia Portuguesa e de outros que com esta se relacionam, numa perspectiva de desenvolvimento

sexta-feira, março 03, 2023

30th APDR Congress: 19th to 21st of July, 2023, University of Minho (Institute of Social Sciences and Lab2PT), Braga.

The APDR invites regional scientists, economists, sociologists, geographers, urban planners, policy makers, and researchers of related disciplines to participate in the 30th APDR Congress with the theme "Sustainability Development Challenges of Territories in Contexts of Uncertainties due to External Shocks and Risks" that will be held from 19th to 21st of July, 2023, at University of Minho (Institute of Social Sciences and Lab2PT), Braga, Portugal.

Deadline for Special Session proposals: April 15, 2023. Proposals should be sent by email to the secretariat of the Congress (

Deadline for Abstracts submissions: May 15, 2023. Authors should submit their abstracts through online submission system by following the link

All information available at:

Looking forward to meeting you in Braga, Portugal!

The Organizing Committee and the Board of APDR 30th APDR Congress

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