«Dear Colleagues,
please find attached the Call for Papers for the 2014 Annual Conference of the Mannheim Centre for Competition and Innovation (MaCCI). The conference will take place at the ZEW in Mannheim on 14 and 15 March 2014.
In 2014, the first day of the conference is devoted to the law and economics of horizontal merger control with special sessions on mergers in narrow oligopolies and minority shareholdings. The list of speakers and panelists includes Luis Cabral, William E. Kovacic, Luigi Malferrari, Jorge Padilla, Ulrich von Koppenfels, and Christine Zulehner.
The second day is dedicated to original research papers from all fields of competition law and economics. Sessions on this day feature papers on business strategy related to competition, on the intersection between competition and innovation, and on regulated industries. Theoretical and empirical papers as well as case studies are welcome. We especially invite papers by lawyers focusing on EU competition law and/or comparative competition law.
Full papers as well as extended abstracts (three pages minimum) may be submitted, paper submissions are preferred. All proposals must include the following information: an abstract of up to 200 words, authors’ full name and affiliation as well as contact details. All papers or abstracts should be submitted to the organising committee (macciannual2014@zew.de) as PDF file no later than January 8, 2014. Proposals must be in English. Authors of accepted papers or abstracts will be notified no later than January 20, 2014. Presenters may kindly be asked to discuss another paper. Young researchers are particularly encouraged to submit proposals.
You can find further information in the attached flyer and on the MaCCI homepage: http://www.macci-mannheim.eu/
We look forward to your submissions.
Best regards
Stefan Frübing · Kai Hüschelrath · Georg Licht · Martin Peitz · Heike Schweitzer»
(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio eletrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)
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