Espaço de debate de temas de Economia Portuguesa e de outros que com esta se relacionam, numa perspectiva de desenvolvimento

terça-feira, fevereiro 28, 2012

Uma política baseada na penalização fiscal dos rendimentos do trabalho

Não é uma participação maior ou menor do Estado enquanto provedor de bens e serviços que colocará em causa a existência de uma classe média em Portugal. É antes uma política baseada na penalização fiscal dos rendimentos do trabalho e incapaz de fazer do crescimento económico e da criação de emprego os objectivos da política económica. Obviamente que a privatização de serviços públicos ou políticas de preços de serviços desajustadas das reais capacidades de pagar das pessoas são peças desse processo de empobrecimento geral do país (embora haja quem ganhe com isso).

J. Cadima Ribeiro

segunda-feira, fevereiro 27, 2012

A acção pública na economia

«Claro que é possível a cada momento alterar a lógica da acção pública na economia. Aliás, tal tem sido feito. A questão a levantar é, entretanto, não a que está formulada mas a dos objectivos económicos e sociais que o Estado pretende prosseguir. No discurso dos detentores do poder, esses objectivos são sempre muito meritórios e informados por grandes preocupações de bem-estar social

J. Cadima Ribeiro

sábado, fevereiro 25, 2012

Conferência Internacional sobre Turismo & Inovação - USUS 2012

«Conferência Internacional sobre Turismo & Inovação
Publicado em 22-02-2012 (Gicom/site IPBeja)

No âmbito do projeto de criação do Observatório do Turismo do Alentejo, cujo promotor principal é a Entidade Regional de Turismo do Alentejo, vai ter lugar nos dias 3, 4 e 5 de Maio de 2012, em Beja, nas Instalações do Instituto Politécnico de Beja, a Conferência Internacional USUS 2012 «Turismo & Inovação».

Vão estar envolvidos convidados externos oriundos do Brasil, Cabo Verde, Ilhas Baleares, Barcelona e outros portugueses onde se pretende reunir, no primeiro dia, os depoimentos de diversos observatórios espalhados pelo mundo e também em Portugal e no dia seguinte (04/05/2012), a apresentação de casos de sucesso empresarial em turismo. O terceiro dia será destinado a atividades de carácter social.

(reprodução integral de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)

sexta-feira, fevereiro 24, 2012

"4th Research Symposium, Indian Institute of Management, July 2012"

«Dear colleagues:

I would like to emphasize on the 4th Research Symposium of the Society for Global Business and Economic Development, which is scheduled to take place at the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore in July 9-11, 2012. 
Prestigious Universities and Business Schools from all over the world work together in creating an environment, where updated management issues will be discussed in small-scale, straightforward manner. The symposium is planned as a counterpiece to macro-conferences and aims at research faculty interested in presenting and discussing work in progress.  
The overall topic of this year´s symposium is "Doing Well by Doing Good: New Perspectives on Corporate Social Responsibility,Sustainability, and Inclusive Capitalism".
You can find submission dates and further details in the brochure that is attached to this e-mail.
Dr. Martin Rahe
Director de I+D+i, Research Dean
 Tel: + 34 934 520 844 Ext- 426
Fax: + 34 933 237 317 

(reprodução do corpo principal de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)

quarta-feira, fevereiro 22, 2012

An ant

"An ant on the move does more than a dozing ox."

Lao Tzu

 (citação extraída de SBANC Newsletter, Fevruary 21, Issue 706 - 2012,

sexta-feira, fevereiro 17, 2012

2012 2nd International Conference on Economic, Education and Management (ICEEM 2012)

[ Introduction ]
2012 2nd International Conference on Economic, Education and Management (ICEEM 2012) will be held in June 1-2, 2012, Shanghai, China. ICEEM 2011 will be a meta-conference for researchers in the Asia-Pacific region to connect with international research communities for the worldwide dissemination and sharing of ideas for research in the field of Economic, Education and Management. The 2 days conferences will foster the building of research communities in the field of Computers in Education. Researchers and graduate students are welcomed to participate in the Conference to exchange research findings in the frontier areas of Economic, Education and Management.
ICEEM 2012 Proceedings will be published by published by Hong Kong Education Society, which will be indexed by ISI Proceedings: Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Sciences & Humanities (CPCI-SSH ) and submitted for indexing by EI Compendex and so on. ICEEM 2011 Proceedings has been indexed by ISI Proceedings: Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Sciences & Humanities ( CPCI-SSH ), please see:
[ Important Dates ]
Paper Submission Deadline: Mar.15, 2012
Acceptance Notification: Mar.28, 2012
Camera Ready Submission and Registration Due : Apr.10, 2012
Conference Date: June 1-2, 2012
[ Topics ] 
Topics of particular interest include, but not limited to:
theories, discourses, methodologies, innovation, applications in Economic, Education, or Management
Please find details via:
[ Contact us]
Tel: +86-15071199443»

(reprodução parcial de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)

quinta-feira, fevereiro 16, 2012

The direction of the wind

"When you can't change the direction of the wind - adjust your sails."

H. Jackson Brown 

 (citação extraída de SBANC Newsletter, February 14, Issue 705-2012,

segunda-feira, fevereiro 13, 2012

Call for Papers: 5th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business

«Call for Papers-Annual Conference
The EuroMed Academy of Business announces the 5th Annual Conference
Conference Dates: October 4th-5th, 2012

The EuroMed Research Business Institute invites you to submit papers or abstracts to the 5th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business “Building New Business Models for Success through Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Competitiveness and Responsibility” that will be held in Glion-Montreux, Switzerland, 4th - 5th October 2012.

Hosted by: Les Roches-Gruyère, University of Applied Sciences
Venue: Glion Institute of Higher Education, Glion-Montreux, Switzerland

EMRBI Presidents:
Prof. Demetris Vrontis, Dean
Prof. Yaakov Weber, Chair
School of Business,
Dept. of Strategy and Entrepreneurship
University of Nicosia,
School of Business
Nicosia, Cyprus
College of Management, Israel

Conference Chairs:
Dr. Ruth Rios-Morales and Dr Ian Jenkings
Research Centre, Les Roches-Gruyère, University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
The conference is under the auspices of Les Roches-Gruyère University of Applied Sciences & Glion Institute of Higher Education

Publication Opportunities
All accepted papers and abstracts will be published in the Book of Proceedings (with an ISBN number) which is approved for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index — an integrated index within Web of Science. This distinction is given only to the most significant papers, in terms of academic excellence, conferences-conventions worldwide.
A selection of the best conference papers will also be considered for publication in the following journals, most of which are internationally ranked or/and ISI approved:
1.      EuroMed Journal of Business - EMRBI’s official Journal
2.       International Journal of Organizational Analysis
3.       International Studies of Management and Organization
4.       Global Business and Economics Review
5.       World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management & Sustainable Development
6.       Economic Research
7.       Journal of Transnational Management
8.       Journal of Promotion Management
9.       International Journal of Technology Marketing
10.    Journal for Global Business Advancement
11.    Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development
12.    International Journal of Online Marketing

Conference Goals
Les Roches-Gruyère, University of Applied Sciences is pleased to organize the 5th EuroMed Academy of Business Conference to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of its sister school Glion Institute of Higher Education.
The EuroMed conference has established itself as one of the major Business Management conferences of its kind in the EuroMed region (European and Mediterranean), in terms of size, quality of content, and standing reputation of attendees. Many of the papers presented contribute significantly to the business knowledge base. Its Book of Proceedings is highly recognized and accepted to be under citation. Many papers were published in Special Issues in leading journals, and were driving international research and teaching programs.
The conference attracts hundreds of leading scholars from leading universities and principal executives and politicians from all over the world with the participation or intervention of Presidents, Prime Ministers, Ministers, Company CEOs, Presidents of Chambers, and other leading figures.

Author Guidelines
Submission Deadline: April 28rd, 2012
Please submit your paper or abstract to and to by strictly adhering to the attached author guidelines.
All manuscripts (including abstracts) will be double blind reviewed. Please indicate, on the first page of the manuscript, the track (only one) for submission. All conference tracks are included at the end of this call.
The maximum number of papers accepted per author (either single or co-author) is three.»

(reprodução parcial do corpo principal de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)

sábado, fevereiro 11, 2012

“Rendimento Acadêmico, o que prediz (e o que não prediz): o caso dos alunos de Ciências Econômicas da UnB”

“The analysis was based in 240 questionnaires answered by students of economics at University of Brasília. Using them, it was tried to make a whole description of the characteristics of these alumni and, in a second moment, to estimate econometric models to identify the causes of academic outcome, measured by the Grade Point Average (GPA) of UnB. The models showed that the amount of study and the frequency in classes are fundamental. Although, it did not find relationship between the participation in the campus social life and GPA. As in previous surveys, women presented better grades than men. Quota students, however, had lower GPAs than others. Finally, when a logistic regression was estimated to determine the probability of a fail, the time spent studying had little significance, as long as, the number of absences and subjects were the most important variables.” 

 LIMA, Luis C. F. 

 Date: 2011-12 
 Keywords: Academic Outcome; Higher Education; Econometrics; OLS; MLE 

 (resumo de “paper”, disponível no sítio referenciado)

sexta-feira, fevereiro 10, 2012

"Economics and Business of the Mediterranean Basin - Mini Conference"

«Athens Institute for Education and Research-ATINER (
Economics and Business of the Mediterranean Basin - Mini Conference, Athens, Greece, 4-7 April 2012.

Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos (President of the Athens Institute for Education and Research & Visiting Professor, University of Strathclyde, U.K.) and Dr. Matteo Rossi, Academic Member, ATINER & Assistant Professor, University of Sannio, Italy would like to invite you to submit a proposal for presentation at the Mini conference on the on the Economics and Business of the Mediterranean Basin as part of its 5th Annual International Conference on Mediterranean Studies in Athens, Greece, 4-7 April 2012. The conference website is:
The registration fee is €300 (euro), covering access to all sessions, two lunches, the official dinner of the conference (Greek Night), coffee breaks and conference material. Special arrangements will be made with a local luxury hotel for a limited number of rooms at a special conference rate. In addition, a number of social events will be organized: A Greek night of entertainment with dinner, a special one-day cruise to the Greek islands, an archaeological tour of Athens and a one-day visit to Delphi. Details of the social program are available at
The objective of this mini-conference is to bring together scholars from countries across the globe to discuss economic and business issues of the Mediterranean area as a whole, specific areas (i.e. Eastern Mediterranean), country specific economic and business analyses and regional economic and business development issues at the sub-national level.
Please submit an abstract (email only) to:, using the abstract submission form available at by the 29 February 2012 to: Dr. Matteo Rossi, Academic Member, ATINER & Assistant Professor, University of Sannio, Italy. Abstracts should include the following: Title of Paper, Full Name (s), Affiliation, Current Position, an email address, and at least 3 keywords that best describe the subject of your submission. Decisions are reached within 4 weeks. If you want to participate without presenting a paper, i.e. chair a session, review papers to be included in the conference proceedings or books, contribute to the editing of a book, or any other contribution, please send an email  to Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos, President, ATINER (
The Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) was established in 1995 as an independent academic organization with the mission to become a forum, where academics and researchers - from all over the world - could meet in Athens and exchange ideas on their research and discuss the future developments of their discipline. Since 1995, ATINER has organized about 150 international conferences and has published over 100 books. Academically, the Institute consists of four research divisions and twenty research units. Each research unit organizes at least an annual conference and undertakes various small and large research projects.»

(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)

quarta-feira, fevereiro 08, 2012

XV Encontro AECA | XV Encuentro AECA | chamada de trabalhos

«XV Encontro AECA

Convite à submissão de comunicações e posters

Ofir, Portugal

20-21 de setembro 2012
Estimado(a) Senhor(a) Professor(a)
Caro(a) Colega,

É com todo o prazer que o(a) convidamos a submeter os seus trabalhos à XV edição dos Encontros AECA, a realizar em Ofir entre 20 e 21 de setembro próximo.

Em anexo encontra um PDF com informação detalhada, assim como aconselhamos a consulta do sítio web do evento, em

Na expectativa de contar com a sua participação, apresentamos os nossos cumprimentos.

A Comissão Organizadora»

(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)

segunda-feira, fevereiro 06, 2012


«Três com pouca sorte.

Um está preso.
O outro está desaparecido.
E o terceiro está com graves dificuldades económicas…»

(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico, reenviada por JBM)

domingo, fevereiro 05, 2012

"Boutique conference"

Uma "boutique conference"

(título de mensagem, datada de 5 de Fevereiro de 2012, disponível em Empreender)

quarta-feira, fevereiro 01, 2012

You must do…

"You must do the things you think you cannot do."
Eleanor Roosevelt

 (citação extraída de SBANC Newsletter, January 31, Issue 703 - 2012,